I know it's a little early but I was just thinking about Thanksgiving.
Somewhere in the rush of the holidays between gifts, food and family. We might get a look back to see how lucky we really are.
Family and friends: I celebrate having my family, children, sisters, brothers, mom and dad. I could not imagine life without them. I know distant relatives can drive us crazy at times but I am blessed to have them. My friends who will show up if I call them, I will always be there for my friends and others in need.
Food:Most of us have plenty to eat….I don’t see a lot of Americans who are wasting away, complaining of being too skinny.
Shelter: I have a roof over my head, We are not spending the night outside freezing and cold. How great it is to crawl into a soft, warm bed to sleep at night.
Clothing: Things to wear, no not those fancy designer clothes and 150 pairs of shoes. I am happy to have plenty of things in my closet and I can do laundry and wash them!
Work: I have retired from my business but I still have a place in my community. Our business gave us more than money, we all have a purpose. Some of us might not know what your purpose is yet but just keep looking, you’re going somewhere.
Safety: I live without fear. We have brave men and women who fought to keep our country safe and free. What a wonderful place America is!
Transportation: This is great! Most of us have a quick way to get from point A to point B. If you don’t have a brand new car, truck, motorcycle or bike. Maybe yours is not the greatest then walk. Thank god you can walk!
Technology: this is such a wide range of special things. Heating and cooling, cooking, clean running water, lights, and phone. I know we all can’t live without our phones, a favorite past-time for most of us.
Health: I am not 100% perfect, I am not very strong, I can no longer run a marathon but I am healthy and able to do the things I need. This is my favorite thing, the health to survive and live.
These are just a few items to be thankful for. I am sure you can sit down and write your own list. I hope to see the things we have showing up on the list. So many times we look at the…..I wish I had this or that list….. It is sure easy to think of all the items we don’t have. Now sit back and count your blessings.
Life is good, we are blessed to live here in America ... Happy Thanksgiving!